Several ways! The easiest being to just help spread the word. The absolute best way you can help support GaMetal at the moment is by becoming a Patron over on the GaMetal Patreon, where you can donate an amount per new song in exchange for some rewards (you can also set a max limit on how much you donate per month). You can get more info on that whole deal on the Patreon page.
Aside from the Patreon, you can also send a PayPal donation if you’d like, or download some songs from the GaMetal BandCamp and submit a donation that way. Perhaps even purchase a GaMetal Shirt.
But I understand that not everyone can support monetarily, and that’s totally ok! Like I said, the easiest way you can help is totally free: just help spread the word of GaMetal, subscribing/liking/all that stuff. Every single one of you helps in any way!