Download (MP3)
Download (End card acoustic short: Haunted Boardwalk)
For the last few years, I’ve been doing multiple Halloween-themed rather than just a single one, a tradition I’ve continued here in 2023 (and will likely continue to do so cause… it’s fun!). While you could consider the previous song, At Doom’s Gate, to be fitting enough for the season, it was actually this song, Spooky, that I chose to be the first ‘official’ song of GaMetalloween 2023. (As my initial plan was to have At Doom’s Gate out in September.)
Whenever I initiate possible Halloween song discussion with the community, this song almost always comes up. Each year I end up filing it in the ‘maybe next time’ category, and it just so happens 2023 was finally “next time”.
In the original, the main chunk of the song (about 3 minutes) loops over again, but with some subtle changes and additions in the second playthrough. For this arrangement, I tried to incorporate all of the little additions and changeups into a single playthrough (as it felt like it would’ve been a little bit overkill to make this one 7 minutes, haha).
To make up for that (for any Spooky purists out there), I added an extra cherry on top by including the Spooky 2 theme at the end, which plays when Spooky has nearly been defeated.
Can’t go wrong with a song named Spooky for Halloween season!