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Phendrana Drifts

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It’s winter time once again, and I’ve dropped another GaMetal Winter Special for you: Phendrana Drifts AND Phendrana Drifts Depths (or Ice Valley (Phendrana Deep Lake Area).. or Phendrana Battle, whichever you want to call it) from Metroid Prime!

For the past few years, I’ve done a “Winter Special” around this time if I had the time to do so. I’ve managed to find said time each year, and on top of community interest (I’ve been asked about it much recently), this year I’ve gone ahead and declared the Winter Special an official annual event.

This time, I took votes from the GaMetal Discord on what “Wintery” VGM songs they’d like to hear covered. I then took the most requested songs and ran a poll on the GaMetal Patreon (join us!) and we landed on Phendrana Drifts to take this year’s Winter Special spot, a song that often comes up immediately when Winter VGM song discussion begins.

And as an extra bonus, I’ve also included Phendrana Drifts Depths! It goes by a few different names (as mentioned at the top here), but I feel like this is what most people know it as.

Happy Holidays! ☃️


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Download (End card acoustic short: Diao Ye Zong)

Touhou is a very interesting series when it comes to the yearly GaMetal Song Ballot. There are always numerous Touhou entries, but never a particular song that soars above the rest. There was a 5 way tie in the 2023 ballot, and an 8 way tie in the 2024 ballot.

So I ran a GaMetal Discord Request Battle between 8 of the tying ballot songs. In the final round, with only a SINGLE VOTE victory, Yukari Yakumo’s theme, Necrofantasia, took the win.

I’ve based this arrangement on the Magical Astronomy version, which adds a few new sections. Initially I had only included the intro, but after marinating on it for a bit and knowing how anticipated this remix was, I decided to go all the way and include the latter half key change and outro.


Blaze Heatnix

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Download (End card acoustic short: Cyber Maze / Crater)*


Did someone order donuts because Blaze Heatnix from Mega Man X6 is here!

Outside of the two old Mega Man Medleys, I haven’t covered much of anything from the later MMX games, only X vs. Zero from X5 way back in 2015. I do regularly see requests for songs from this era, with Blaze Heatnix being one of the most requested ones.

I was a little short on time in November, with it being the holidays and all, but felt this could be a cool song to hit up in a pinch. I did do it back in the second Mega Man Medley, but here it is in full form, enjoy! 🐦🔥



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Download (End card acoustic short: Game Over (B))


F-Zero GP Legend and Climax are BACK (thanks to Nintendo Switch Online releases!), so lets get back to a couple of the GBA’s best soundtracks with this remix of Lightning!

For this arrangement I’ve included both the GP Legend and Climax versions of Lightning. GP Legend’s is fast paced and in your face, while Climax’s is on the slower, groovier side.

There’s a part during the Climax version (2:40 in the video) that is suspiciously reminiscent of Terrormisu from Wario: Master of Disguise. So fun fact for those who don’t know: GP Legend, Climax, and Wario: MoD all share the same composer, Kenji Hikita! So that would explain any possible similarities.

Lichdragon Fortissax

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Download (End card acoustic short: Elden Ring)


We’re entering the world of Elden Ring for the first time with this remix of Lichdragon Fortissax!

I had considered attempting to squeeze this one in during October for GaMetalloween, but decided to hold off on it just a little bit since I knew it’d be a more complicated one than usual (thanks Orchestra songs!).

Hopefully this one pairs well with our old Vordt of the Boreal Valley arrangement for the Soulslike fans out there!

My Innermost Apocalypse

Apple Music
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Download (End card acoustic short: The Calm)

This year’s Halloween Special was none other than…. My Innermost Apocalypse from The Binding of Isaac: Wrath of the Lamb!

Last year I polled the GaMetal Discord on potential Halloween song candidates, then using the results of that poll, I made two polls on the GaMetal Patreon (join us!) to determine a couple of songs that would be done towards the end of the month. I did the same thing again this year, and while I initially planned to only do one poll on Patreon this time around, the results from the Discord poll were too tempting for me.

There were 2 songs battling it out for the top spot, and another 4 songs a tier below those 2 that were also very close in vote counts. The song from the group of 4 ended up being Transylvania, while the song from the top 2 was this one.

So Binding of Isaac becomes the first game/series to have two GaMetal Halloween Specials. Happy Halloween! 😭


Apple Music
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Download (End card acoustic short: The Amazon)

Life is like a hurricane, here in… Transylvania, from DuckTales / DuckTales Remastered! Our Halloween festivities this year ended with a double header, starting off with this track from the NES classic.

I mostly based this remix off of Jake Kaufman’s DuckTales Remastered arrangement, it’s one of my favorites from that game’s OST. It greatly fills out the song with new additions, including a cool wubwub dubstep section.

Mad Monster Mansion

Apple Music
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Download (End card acoustic short: Mad Monster Mansion Interior)


GaMetalloween gets a wondrous expansion… with a brand new remix of Mad Monster Mansion!

Mad Monster Mansion has been somewhat of a long-running joke in the GaMetal Patreon community. Not the song itself, it’s awesome, just the concept of doing it for Halloween.

It was a part of the first ever GaMetal Patreon Halloween Poll back in 2016, which it lost, then would later be a part of two other Halloween Polls which it.. also lost.

This year I decided to finally put an end to the madness and just do it outside of polls, so here it is. Enjoy! 🎃

Ripe Seeds

Apple Music
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Download (End card acoustic short: Wicked Child)

We’ve hit up many of the staple songs from the Castlevania series, but I’d like to hit up one of the overlooked soundtracks: the OST from Castlevania II: Belmont’s Revenge. It’s usually forgotten about because, you know, old Game Boy soundtrack, but it’s still got some legit bangers, and Ripe Seeds is just one of them.

Though I personally feel the level COULD’VE been a bit more Plant-y…

My goal here was to have this sound like song from the Castlevania Judgment soundtrack, which is starting to become one of my favorite game OSTs!

Panic Puppet Zone (Act 1)

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Download (End card acoustic short: Panic Puppet Act 2)

It’s time for the puppets to panic, we’re entering Panic Puppet Zone Act 1 from Sonic 3D Blast!

This song also shows up in Sonic Adventure for the Twinkle Cart segment of Twinkle Park. For this arrangement, I tried to make it sound somewhat like a Sonic Adventure 2 stage song, like more of a rock song than the Twinkle Cart arrangement.

Theme of Gambit


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Download (End card acoustic short: Character Select)



You’ve dealt y’self a full hand; but I’m all aces! Here’s another timely Patreon request fulfillment, considering Gambit’s recent popularity resurgence thanks to Deadpool & Wolverine.

I felt like one of the most important parts of the original was the sexy sax line in the song’s final section, so I had to invest in some better sax software (I never learned to play the reed instruments lol) to get that part as best as I could.

Fun fact: I played Marvel vs. Capcom a lot when I was younger, and my main two was Gambit and Mega Man.

Credit card!

Bombs Away


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Download (End card acoustic short: Level Complete)


This song goes to infinite… and beyond!

Bombs Away could’ve easily been an April Fools Day song, but sometimes the Patreon Request List forces a licensed gem like this one into the song lineup any way. This is one of those good licensed games by the way, with a banger soundtrack as well.

The original was already full song length, so not much had to be added. The original also has a cool jazzy breakdown mid song that I like a whole lot.

Not sure what else to say, it’s an awesome song so give it a listen!

Metal Beat


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Download (End card acoustic short: Metal Beat)


With a name like “Metal Beat” from a game titled “Metal Masters”, it was just begging for Metal Cover, right?

This song was composed by Alberto José González and is considered one of the best songs to come from Game Boy hardware. It’s the only song in the game, but it’s really the only song the game needed.

It was more like a song that came with a game. 😉


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Download (End card acoustic short: Home Cookin’)


Break out the butta’, we’re gonna make toast!

Crash Bandicoot is another one of those series I’m regularly asked why I don’t cover more songs. I have no great explanation for that, so instead, I give you this remix.

I’ve based this one mostly on the arrangement from the N-Sane Trilogy remake, with a few hints of the original thrown in here and there.

Prince Mush Battle


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Download (End card acoustic short: Rogueport)


The first song I’ve taken from the 2024 GaMetal Song Ballot is none other than Prince Mush’s battle theme from the Paper Mario: TTYD remake!

In said ballot, it placed #4 overall. I didn’t plan on doing another TTYD so soon after Cortez, but after giving this a listen after it’s great ballot placement, I determined it must be done.

This song is already quite awesome with plenty of different sections, so I didn’t do much in the way of new additions. The biggest change here is the addition of a guitar/synth solo duel in the second loop.

There are other potential new TTYD songs from the remake we might have to get to sometime!


Apple Music
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Download (End card acoustic short: Goodbye Esaka)


Esaka? What do you mean Esaka?????

I’m not sure why the song name is presented as a question. I never actually looked into it, but I always read it with a ‘wtf’ tone in my head.

I heard rumors that I don’t cover enough fighting game material (these rumors are true), so I thought I’d hit up an iconic fighting series that I get requests for quite a bit: Ballz 3D.

Then I thought to myself the world isn’t quite ready, plus we just did briefly did a B3d song in that last SNES Medley, so I went for the next best thing: The King of Fighters.

This is one of the most popular songs from the series, with a few different variants and 100 other songs with “Esaka” in the title (though a lot of these are completely different songs). I based this cover off of the “Arrange Sound Trax” arrangement, which includes a guitar solo and just fleshes out the track more as an actual “song”.

This one’s for you FGC!