Reproduction of Power

Apple Music
Download (MP3)
Download (End card acoustic short: Interstice of the Dimension)

Hell yeah, this song rules.

Every year for my birthday, I make a completely 100% biased song choice. Doesn’t have to be anything relevant or a request fulfillment, just something for myself. I mean, sometimes I do this any way… but those can come at random, but I’ll always drop one of these on or around my birthday.

I’m a few weeks late this year (moved to a different place around the beginning of the month and had no time), but here it is nonetheless, a song that has become one of my favorite boss battle themes over the last few years: La-Mulana 2’s Reproduction of Power.

This song is outstanding. It has it all. Prolonged intensity but without enough changeups that it always stays fresh, awesome riffs, a crazy Guitar and Synth solo duel, even a callback to the original La-Mulana’s Interstice of the Dimension in the guitar solo (did you catch it?). I didn’t even have to really change anything, I practically just performed it how it was written.

Phenomenal pair of soundtracks within the La-Mulana series. Also, if you’re looking for a cult classic hardcore puzzle solving experience, be sure to check out the series!